Dr Nader Mosavat

Director, Faculty of Engineering and Technology


PhD, Petroleum Systems Engineering

Office timings

8:00 AM – 4:00 PM




Dr. Nader Mosavat is Director of the Faculty of Engineering and Technology at Muscat University. Dr. Nader’s teaching and research background is diverse, and his research interests are Energy Systems, Process Techno-economic Assessment, Microfluidics, Carbon Capture and Storage and Enhanced Oil Recovery. Dr. Nader has published more than 30 scientific articles as well as various technical presentations and conference papers. He is recipient of 2016 National Research Award in Energy and Industry Research Field by The Research Council, Oman.

Research Interest(s)

  • Energy systems and the Environment
  • Oil and Gas systems
  • Process Modeling and Technoeconomic assessment
  • Enhanced Oil Recovery
  • Microfluidics

Notable Publication(s):

  • Microfluidics for porous systems: fabrication, microscopy and applications, A Gerami, Y Alzahid, P Mostaghimi, N Kashaninejad, F Kazemifar, Tammy Amirian, Nader Mosavat, Majid Ebrahimi Warkiani, Ryan T. Armstrong, Transport in Porous Media 130 (1), 277-304, 2019.
  • Gaseous slip flow simulation in a micro/nano pore-throat structure using the lattice Boltzmann model, N Mosavat, B Hasanidarabadi, P Pourafshary, Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 177, 93-103, 2019.
  • Deformation of microdroplets in crude oil for rapid screening of enhanced oil recovery additives, P Lele, AH Syed, J Riordon, N Mosavat, A Guerrero, H Fadaei, D Sinton, Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 165, 298-304, 2018.
  • Pore-scale analysis of condensing solvent bitumen extraction, ZB Qi, A Abedini, P Lele, N Mosavat, A Guerrero, D Sinton, Fuel 193, 284-293, 2017.
  • Coal-on-a-chip: visualizing flow in coal fractures, A Gerami, RT Armstrong, B Johnston, ME Warkiani, N Mosavat, Peyman Mostaghimi, Energy & Fuels 31 (10), 10393-10403, 2017.
  • Mosavat N, Torabi F. Micro-optical analysis of carbonated water injection in irregular and heterogeneous pore geometry, Fuel, 175, 191–201, 2016.
  • Syed AH, Mosavat N, Guerrero A, Sinton D. Pore-scale analysis on the effect of different alkaline additives on SAGD process, Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, Fuel 193, 284-293, 2016.
  • Sequential Deep Eutectic Solvent and Steam Injection for Enhanced Heavy Oil Recovery and In-situ Upgrading, Mohsenzadeh A, Al-Wahaibi Y, Al-Hajri R, Jibril B, Mosavat N., Fuel 187, 417-428, 2016.

