Dr Zeina Al-Ahmad

Senior lecturer, Faculty of Business and Management


PhD in Finance 

Office timings

8:00 AM – 4:00 PM




Zeina has over 15 years of teaching experience. She worked as a full time assistant professor in Finance at Tishreen University- Latakia-Syria for more than 10 years. She also worked as a part timer in various Syrian universities (HIBA, Damascus University) and a full timer at Manara University where she held the post head of department and head of quality assurance unit. Prior to joining Muscat University, Zeina was working as an assistant professor at Sohar University-Oman. During her academic career, Zeina has supervised several MSc students, participated in a number of international conferences and published several research papers in well ranked peer review journals. Zeina now holds the positions of senior lecturer in Finance and a coordinator of the MSc in Finance and Management program at Muscat University.

Research Interest(s)

  • IPOs, market efficiency and anomalies, stock prices, exchange rates, CSR and corporate governance.

Notable Publication(s):

  • Zeina Al-Ahmad, “The Initial and First Year Returns of Firms Listed on the Damascus Securities Exchange: Some Preliminary Findings” (2011), International Journal of Economics and Finance Studies, Vol 3(1), 1-10
  • Zeina Al-Ahmad, Testing the Weak Form Efficiency of the Damascus Securities Exchange”(2012), International Research Journal of Finance and Economics, Vol, 85, 155-165
  • Zeina Al-Ahmad & Behrouz Tabrizi, “The Great Recession, the US Fed, and the Lessons Learned” (2013), International Journal of current Research, Vol, 5 (9), 2657-2661
  • Linda Ismaeil & Zeina Al-Ahmad, “Studying the Relationship between Stock Prices and Exchange Rates in a Sample of Arab Countries” (2014),International Research Journal of Finance and Economics, Vol, 126, 26-44
  • Zeina Al-Ahmad& Rami AlKhaier, The Role of the Private Sector in Enhancing the Financial and Operational Efficiency of State Owned Enterprises: (A Case study on Tartous Port)”(2014), Tishreen University Journal for Research and Scientific Studies, Economic and Legal Sciences Series, Vol 36(6), 331-343
  • Zeina Al-Ahmad & Yara Asaad The Impact of Firm Characteristics on the Level of its Social Responsibility Disclosure(An Applied Study on Firms Subject to the Regulations of the Syrian Commission onFinancial Markets and Securities)”(2016),Tishreen University Journal for Research and Scientific Studies, Economic and Legal Sciences Series. Vol 38(1),247-266
  • Zeina Al-Ahmad & KinanAzzouz “Testing the Monthly Effect on Stock Returns in a Sample of Arab Stock Markets (2016),Journal of AL Baath University,Vol, 38 (25), 69-98
  • Zeina Al-Ahmad & Muhannad Al-Saleh “Testing the Random Walk Model on the Stock Returns of Firms Listed in the Damascus Securities Exchange”(2016),Journal of AL Baath University, Vol 38(26), 11-34
  • Zeina Al-Ahmad & YaraAsaad,The Reality and the Obstacles of Corporate Social Responsibility Disclosure (An Applied Study on a Sample of Firms Subject to the Regulations of the Syrian Commission on Financial Markets & Securities)”( 2016),Tishreen University Journal for Research and Scientific Studies, Economic and Legal Sciences Series, Vol 38(4), 375-393
  • Zeina Al-Ahmad & Linda Ismaeil Testing the PPP Using Unit Root Tests with Structural Breaks: Evidence from Politically Unstable Arab Countries”(2016), International Journal of Business, Economics and Management, Vol3(12), 173-187
  • Zeina Al-Ahmad & Suzan Al-Ali “Does the Holiday Effect Differ from Religious to Non-Religious Holidays? Empirical Evidence from Egypt”(2016), The Economics and Finance Letters,Vol 3(3), 39-56.
  • Zeina Al-Ahmad, “Stock Market Reaction to the Announcement of Top Management
  • Changes: Preliminary Findings from the Damascus Securities Exchange (DSE)”(2018),
  • International Journal of Advanced Research6(4), 666-676
  • Burhan Ali &Zeina Al-Ahmad, “The Long-Run Relationship between Output, Money, and Prices: Empirical Evidence from Syria” (2019), International Journal of Advanced Research, Vol 7(2), 541-548